63 Racecourse Rd Hamilton, QLD 4007
Phone (07) 3630 1080
City :Brisbane
Ruby�s Chillies of India Hamilton, Brisbane
Ruby�s Chillies of India is a desi Indian Restaurant and Take Away Shop in Hamilton, Brisbane specialising in Gluten Free Indian Food , Indian Buffet and Take Away Indian Food.
Some other services we offer are C
2/63 Racecourse Road, Ascot, Brisbane, QLD 4007
Phone (07) 3630 1080 Mobile 0432 710 455
City :Brisbane
Ruby�s Chillies Of India Ascot, Brisbane
Ruby�s Chillies Of India is an Indian Restaurant and Takeaway Based in Ascot Suburb Of Brisbane.
Indian fine dining and take away Cuisine
Please let us know if you are allergic to any food item
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